Along with holding monthly luncheons, networking events, membership mixers, and putting on CLE’s and seminars, one of the biggest areas CFPA is active is in our beautiful community! CFPA supports Central Florida area charities, legal education & professional development through a variety of activities.
CFPA’s community service successes in past years has included all sorts of outreach to the community. CFPA has partnered with the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra, supported the Best Buddies, Women’s Residential Resource Center, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Ronald McDonald House, Victim Services Center, Adult Literacy League, Habitat for Humanity, Harbor House, and our Support the Troops campaign has grown into a HUGE success! We have participated in toy drives for donations to the Baby DJ Toy Drive run by area radio station, XL 106.7, aided area food banks such as Second Harvest and the Orlando Union Rescue Mission and Dress for Success through events, seminars and fund raising.

Volunteers are ALWAYS needed! If you would like to join CFPA in volunteering for one or more (or all!) of these amazing service opportunities, please contact to RSVP and/or get more information on any ongoing/upcoming dates!